Mountain Hazelnuts is a social enterprise producing premium quality hazelnuts in Bhutan. Established as a public-private-community partnership with the Royal Government of Bhutan, the Company provides hazelnut trees, agricultural inputs, and technical assistance to support smallholder farmers. At maturity, the Company purchases hazelnuts from partner growers, which it then processes for international export.
The Company is committed to supplying high-quality hazelnuts, while helping lead a global conversation about how business can serve as a tool for achieving social and environmental objectives.
Mountain Hazelnuts enables smallholder farming households and community organizations to generate long-term income, revitalizing vulnerable communities through sustainable agriculture. The hazelnut orchards stabilize mountain slopes, reduce erosion, improve watershed retention, and mitigate climate change by improving soil fertility and carbon sequestration.
Drawing inspiration from indigenous wild hazelnuts, the company introduced commercial cultivation to one of the world’s most rugged geographies. More....
Success starts with a positive impact on local livelihoods, community development and ecosystems preservation. Every step is rigorously measured as is the Company’s operational excellence which drives economic profits in a sustainable system.
Mountain Hazelnuts is a triple bottom-line company working to establish world-class hazelnut production in Bhutan that creates shared value for all stakeholders:
Farmers & communities
International partners
Living systems, locally and globally
Hazelnut cultivation allows rural households to generate sustainable cash flow, which may support the endurance of farming livelihoods, traditions, and culture. More...

Hazelnut cultivation stabilizes soil, reduces erosion, improves river water quality, and curbs global climate change. This restorative form of production aligns with Bhutan's deep commitment to conservation and ecological resilience. More…
Growing hazelnuts can provide a sustainable source of income for farmers. Mountain Hazelnuts partners with thousands of farmers and community organizations, and is actively recruiting additional grower partners. More…
Mountain Hazelnuts relies on a long-term collaboration with the people and government of Bhutan. The Company aims to embody the nation's principles of Gross National Happiness (GNH): sustainable development, preservation and promotion of cultural values, conservation of natural ecosystems, and establishment of enduring systems of governance. A strong partnership and shared goals with the Royal Government of Bhutan form the foundation of the Company.
Growing hazelnuts can provide a sustainable source of income for farmers. Mountain Hazelnuts partners with thousands of farmers and community organizations, and is actively recruiting additional grower partners. More…
Hazelnuts are a tasty, healthy food product, well suited for growing in Bhutan. Hazelnuts have many uses, from nut spreads and chocolates to savory dishes. These tree nuts are high in protein, healthy unsaturated fats (primarily oleic acid), thiamine, manganese, copper, vitamin E, vitamin B6, and antioxidants. Hazelnut trees thrive in Bhutan’s pristine conditions, with clean mountain water, fresh air, and rich soil.’
From agricultural experts to IT professionals, nursery workers to the finance team, Mountain Hazelnuts employees tackle the various challenges behind this operation. Led by experienced business leaders, scientists, and technical experts, the Company commits to mentorship and training to develop capacity throughout the organization. More…